Managing Customizations in Salesforce: A Practical Guide – Record Type Scenario

Salesforce offers a robust environment for customizing and managing data, enabling organizations to tailor the platform to their unique requirements. Today, I’ll guide you through several scenarios to demonstrate how you can efficiently manage record types, page layouts, and field dependencies in Salesforce, specifically using a fictional school app scenario as our example.

Scenario 1: – For student object, create two record type names ‘old’ and ‘new’. For old record type, from the stream picklist (stream picklist contains CS-IT, science, Arts, Commerce) remove CS-IT from picklist.

Procedure: -

Steps: –

– Follow the below navigation

Setup->object manager ->student->record type->new ->give the name ‘old’ record type->make as un available ->next-> save.

2. Make as available for the new follow the path given below student object->record type ->select all values ->and save.

Page layout

Scenario 2: – We have the app named as My school app to keep the record of student, teachers, students, subject we create the tabs for the same.

But certain difference between old student and new student, that’s why we Create two custom page layouts named as old student and new student,

Add following three fields in new student page 

  • fees paid by (checkbox field),
  • rank (number field)
  • award (text field)

remove the same fields for old student. Arrange them in to two columns. make roll number filed is required*.

Step: -

  • Create three fields in student object
  • fees paid by (checkbox field)
  • rank (number field) and
  • award (text field).
  • From student page layout save as this page layout as master, after saving remove the fields mention in above by simple drag and drop. And save as this page as old student page layout.

New Student page layout

Old student page layout

  • Make roll number field is required. To make the Roll number required press o spanner icon and check the checkbox.

scenario 3: – In standard object account Arrange the fields in two equal columns, make the active field as required and add approval history in related list.

Step: –

Add approval history in related list:

Follow the following navigation

Object manager->account->page layout -> from the related list drag and dop the approval history from related list .as shown in below.

  • Make active field is required, click on spanner icon adjacent to the field and check the checkbox as required
  • Arrange objects in two Click on spanner icon shown in account information, we can easily understand with the help of below image

Field Dependency

Scenario 4: -In student object two picklist ae there subject and stream, subject has values physics, chemistry, math, bio, Urdu, psychology, Arabic, c, java, Python, history, Indian polity, civics, stream has values Cs-it, science, arts, commerce. we need to show the subjects related to stream the control the picklist values by

using field dependency


Setup ->object manager ->student ->fields and relationships->fields dependencies (here we can include and exclude the subjects)->save.

As shown in below image.

Now under-stand the concept ->the values shown in the yellow color are included and remaining are excluded.



By following these steps, Salesforce administrators can effectively manage data and interface customizations, enhancing usability and efficiency. Whether for educational institutions like our fictional “My School App” or other sectors, these practices empower organizations to leverage Salesforce’s flexibility to meet their operational needs.