HTML Headings


HTML Headings: Structuring Your Content

In HTML, headings are used to organize and structure the content of a web page. They provide a hierarchical outline, with <h1> being the highest level and <h6> the lowest. Headings play a crucial role in conveying the content’s meaning and hierarchy to both human readers and search engines.

HTML Headings

HTML provides six levels of headings, from <h1> (the highest) to <h6> (the lowest).Use headings to create a structured outline for your content.

Each level of heading represents a different level of importance and hierarchy. <h1> is typically used for the main title or heading of the page, while subsequent headings indicate subsections and sub-subsections.

Semantic Meaning

  • Headings are not just about font size; they convey semantic meaning.
  • <h1> represents the main heading, and subsequent levels represent subheadings.

Proper Hierarchy

  • Maintain a proper hierarchy when using headings. Start with <h1> and use subsequent levels as needed.
  • Avoid skipping levels (e.g., using <h2> directly after <h4>).

In summary, HTML headings are essential for structuring content, improving accessibility, enhancing SEO, and providing a better user experience. Properly using headings ensures that your web page is well-organized and user-friendly.

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