SQL Aliases


SQL Select Aliases

An alias is created with the AS keyword. SQL ‘AS’ is used to assign a new name temporarily to a table column or even a table. It makes an easy presentation of query results and allows the developer to label results more accurately without permanently renaming table columns or even the table itself.


SELECT Column_Name1 AS New_Column_Name, Column_Name2  As New_Column_Name FROM Table_Name;  

Here, the Column_Name is the name of a column in the original table, and the New_Column_Name is the name assigned to a particular column only for that specific query. This means that New_Column_Name is a temporary name that will be assigned to a query.

Let us take a table named orders, and it contains the following data:

Suppose you want to rename the ‘day_of_order’ column and the ‘customer’ column as ‘Date’ and ‘Client’, respectively.

SELECT day_of_order AS ‘Date’, Customer As ‘Client’, Product, Quantity FROM orders;     

The result will be shown as this table:

From the above results, we can see that temporarily the ‘Day_of_order’ is renamed as ‘date’ and ‘customer’ is renamed as ‘client’.

Consider we have a student table with the following data.

Suppose you want a student name and the average of the percentage of the student under the temporary column name ‘Student’ and ‘Student_Percentage’, respectively.

SELECT Student_Name AS Student, AVG (Student_Percentage) AS Average_Percentage FROM students;

Here, to calculate the average, we have used AVG () function. Further, the calculated average value of the percentage will be stored under the temporary name ‘Average_Percentage’.

The result will be shown as this table:

Assigning a temporary name to a table

Instead of remembering the table names, we can create an alias for them. We can assign a temporary name to the columns of a table; similarly, we can create an alias for a table.

Let’s understand it with the help of an example.

Write a query to create an alias of a table named ‘students’.

SELECT s.Student_RollNo, s.Student_Name, s.Student_Gender, s.Student_PhoneNumber, s.Student_HomeTown FROM students AS s WHERE s.Student_RollNo = 3; 

The result will be shown as this table:

result will be shown as this table

Course Video

NOTE: Practice below questions on site editor.

1. Write a SQL Query get BusinessEntityID as BEID, PersonType as Ptype, FirstName as FName, LastName as LName from Person_Person table.

2. Retrieve the salesOrderID and OrderDate from the Sales_SalesOrderHeader table and display OrderDate as Date.

3. Write a SQL Query Retrieve DocumentNode as Dnode , Title as Tn from Production_Document.

(13 row count)

4. Retrieve shiftID as ID , Name as week from HumanResources_Shift table

(3 row count)

5. Retrieve the departmentID as DID, Name as DName from HumanResources_Department.

(16 row count)