SQL Stored Procedures

SQL Stored Procedures

A stored procedure is a prepared SQL code that you can save, so the code can be reused over and over again. So if you have an SQL query that you write over and over again, save it as a stored procedure, and then just call it to execute it. You can also pass parameters to a stored procedure, so that the stored procedure can act based on the parameter value(s) that is passed.


The following syntax is used to create the simple stored procedure in Structured Query Language:

CREATE PROCEDURE procedure_name




The following syntax is used to execute the stored procedure in Structured Query Language:

EXEC Procedure_Name ; 

 Students table:

The following query creates the stored procedure which selects all the records from the above Student table:



SELECT * FROM Students

GO ; 

Now, execute the stored procedure using the following query to see its output:

EXEC Show_All_Students; 


The syntax for creating the stored procedure with one parameter:

CREATE PROCEDURE Procedure_Name @Parameter_Name Datatype (size of the Parameter) 


SQL Statement

The following query executes the above-stored procedure and shows the record of B.tech students in the output:

EXEC Show_Particular_Course_Student @Student_Course = ‘B.tech’; 


The syntax for creating the stored procedure with more than one parameter:

CREATE PROCEDURE Procedure_Name @Parameter_Name_1 Datatype (size of the Parameter_1),  @Parameter_Name_2 Datatype (size of the Parameter_2), …..,  @Parameter_Name_N Datatype (size of the Parameter_N) 


SQL Statement

The syntax for executing the stored procedure with multiple parameters:

EXEC Procedure_Name @Parameter_Name1 = Value, @Parameter_Name2 = Value, ….., @Parameter_NameN = Value;

The following query creates the stored procedure which shows the students of a particular course with a particular age from the above table:

CREATE PROCEDURE Show_Particular_Course_Age_Student @Student_Course nvarchar(50), @Student_AgeINT 


SELECT * FROM Students WHERE Student_Course = @Student_Course AND Student_Age =@Student_Age 

The following query executes the stored procedure and shows the record of those students in the output whose course is B.tech and Age is 20:

EXEC Show_Particular_Course_Student @Student_Course = ‘B.tech’, @Student_Age = 20; 


Course Video

NOTE: Practice below practice questions on MSSQL SERVER, it will not execute on site editor.

1.Create one simple store procedure with getting all Human Resources Employee data

(290 rows count)

Output on SQL server

2. Write a SQL query to create a stored procedure that takes a city name as an input parameter and retrieves the data of Address ID, Address line 1, City, Postal Code, and Modified Date from the ‘Person.Address’ table where the city [ Bothell (26 rows), Monroe (16 rows), Ottawa (7 rows)] matches the input parameter.

Output on sql server



Output of city Bothell (26 rows)
Output of city Monroe (16 rows)

3. Create one simple table and create insert Store Procedure then insert value through Store Procedure.

4.Create a stored procedure to retrieve data from two tables, namely  Person.EmailAddress and Person.Password.

The procedure should fetch only the top 10 records from each table separately without applying

any filtering or additional operations.


Hint: Use two different select statement to create procedure

5. Write a sql query to delete store procedure from the database 

6. Design a stored procedure to fetch records from the Orders table where the order dates fall within the temporal range of year 1996. [Output: 152 rows]


7. Develop a stored procedure designed to extract records from the OrderDetails table where the unit price exceeds the average unit price across all entries. [output: 718 rows]

8. Generate a SQL script to create a table schema with appropriate attributes and populate it with sample data by creating stored procedure. Subsequently, develop a stored procedure to delete records where the cities begin with the letter ‘M’. After executing the deletion operation, invoke the stored procedure to retrieve the updated dataset.


After deleting:

9. Expand the existing table by adding two additional records. Following this, create a stored procedure with parameters to enable dynamic updates of Age values 29 and 27 for individuals identified by their respective IDs, specifically targeting individuals with IDs 5 and 7. And display the updated records.


After deleting:

Frequently Asked Questions

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Let's talk

SQL stored procedures are precompiled sets of SQL statements stored in the database. They allow for reusable, efficient execution of database operations.

  • Improved Performance: Reduces query parsing and execution time.
  • Reusability: Can be reused across multiple applications.
  • Security: Restricts direct access to data through parameterized queries.
  • Maintainability: Centralizes logic in one place.

Use the CREATE PROCEDURE statement. Example:

sqlCopy codeCREATE PROCEDURE GetEmployeeDetails  AS  BEGIN    SELECT * FROM Employees;  END;

Yes, stored procedures can accept input and output parameters. Example:

sqlCopy codeCREATE PROCEDURE GetEmployeeById @EmployeeId INT  AS  BEGIN    SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE id = @EmployeeId;  END;

  • Use print statements within the procedure to log values.
  • Use debugging tools available in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or MySQL Workbench.
  • Check for errors using the TRY…CATCH block.



  • Dynamic SQL Execution:

sqlCopy codeCREATE PROCEDURE ExecuteDynamicSQL @Query NVARCHAR(MAX)  AS  EXEC sp_executesql @Query; 

  • Transaction Management:

sqlCopy codeCREATE PROCEDURE TransferFunds @FromAccount INT, @ToAccount INT, @Amount DECIMAL  AS  BEGIN    BEGIN TRANSACTION    UPDATE Accounts SET Balance = Balance – @Amount WHERE AccountId = @FromAccount;    UPDATE Accounts SET Balance = Balance + @Amount WHERE AccountId = @ToAccount;    COMMIT TRANSACTION;  END;

Use the EXEC statement or call it directly. Example:

sqlCopy codeEXEC GetEmployeeDetails;  EXEC GetEmployeeById @EmployeeId = 1; 

Yes, check out our SQL Stored Procedures Tutorial for step-by-step examples and detailed explanations.

Yes, use the ALTER PROCEDURE statement to modify an existing procedure. Example:

sqlCopy codeALTER PROCEDURE GetEmployeeDetails  AS  BEGIN    SELECT id, name FROM Employees;  END;

  • Syntax errors in SQL statements.
  • Passing incorrect or mismatched parameter data types.
  • Missing permissions to execute the procedure.

Stored Procedure Practice Example