JS DOM HTML/CSS Manipulation

DOM HTML/CSS Manipulation:

JavaScript empowers developers to dynamically manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM) and control the styling of HTML and CSS elements. Here’s a breakdown of how you can select, manipulate, and style elements in the DOM using JavaScript:

1. Selecting Elements:

– Use `document.querySelector()` to select the first element that matches a CSS selector.
– Use `document.querySelectorAll()` to select all elements that match a CSS selector.


// Find the first element with the class ‘my-button’
const button = document.querySelector(‘.my-button’);

// Find all elements with the class ‘my-text’
const textElements = document.querySelectorAll(‘.my-text’);

2. Changing Text Inside an Element:

Once we have selected an element, we can change its text or content. This is great for things like changing button labels or headlines.


// This changes the text of an <h1> heading to “Hello, JavaScript!”
const heading = document.querySelector(‘h1’);
heading.textContent = ‘Hello, JavaScript!’;

3. Adding/Removing Classes:

Classes in CSS are like labels that can change the look of things. We can add or remove classes using JavaScript. This helps us make things look different when something happens (like clicking a button or hovering over an image).
• Add a class using .classList.add()
• Remove a class using .classList.remove()


const box = document.querySelector(‘.box’);
// Add a class ‘highlight’ to make the box look brighter
// Remove a class ‘old-class’ from the box

4. Changing the Style (CSS) of an Element:

We can also change how things look by adjusting the style of an element directly in JavaScript. This is like using inline CSS to change colors, sizes, and other design properties.

To change the color, size, or other styles, we can use the style property.


const button = document.querySelector(‘.my-button’);
button.style.backgroundColor = ‘blue’; // Makes the button blue
button.style.fontSize = ’20px’; // Makes the text bigger

5. Creating New Elements:

Sometimes, we need to add new things to the webpage, like adding new paragraphs or images. JavaScript can help us create new elements and add them to the page.
• Create new elements using document.createElement().
• Add them to the page with appendChild().


// Create a new <div> element
const newDiv = document.createElement(‘div’);
newDiv.textContent = ‘I am a brand new div!’;

// Add the new <div> to the body of the page

Learn How to Control Webpage Elements with JavaScript!

Method / Property Description Example
style.property Change or get the value of a CSS property like color, size, or background for an element. Const element=document.querySelector(‘.my-element’); element.style.backgroundColor = ‘red’;
className Get or set the class of an element, which controls its style. const element = document.querySelector(‘.my-element’); element.className = ‘new-class’;
classList.add(className) Add a new class to an element (helps to change its style). const element = document.querySelector(‘.my-element’); element.classList.add(‘new-class’);
setAttribute(name, value) Set a new attribute value for an element (like a custom ID or data). const element = document.querySelector(‘.my-element’); element.setAttribute(‘data-id’, ‘123’);
getAttribute(name) Get the value of an attribute for an element (like checking the ID or data). const element = document.querySelector(‘.my-element’); const id = element.getAttribute(‘data-id’);
removeAttribute(name) Remove an attribute (like data or ID) from an element. const element = document.querySelector(‘.my-element’); element.removeAttribute(‘data-id’);
element.offsetHeight Get the height of an element, including its padding and border. var element=document.getElementById(‘myElement’); console.log(element.offsetHeight);
element.offsetWidth Get the width of an element, including its padding and border. var element =document.getElementById(‘myElement’); console.log(element.offsetWidth);
style.display Show or hide an element (you can make it disappear or appear!). document.getElementById(‘myElement’).style.display = ‘none’; document.getElementById(‘myElement’).style.display = ‘block’;
style.visibility Change whether an element is visible or hidden (but it still takes up space). document.getElementById(‘myElement’).style.visibility = ‘hidden’; document.getElementById(‘myElement’).style.visibility = ‘visible’;
style.opacity Set how transparent or see-through an element is. document.getElementById(‘myElement’).style.opacity = ‘0.5’;
style.backgroundColor Change the background color of an element (like making a button red). document.getElementById(‘myElement’).style.backgroundColor = ‘red’;
style.color Change the text color of an element (like making text blue). document.getElementById(‘myElement’).style.color = ‘blue’;
style.fontFamily Change the font of the text in an element (like making it Arial or Times New Roman). document.getElementById(‘myElement’).style.fontFamily = ‘Arial’;
style.fontSize Change the size of the text in an element (like making it bigger or smaller). document.getElementById(‘myElement’).style.fontSize = ’20px’;
style.fontWeight Make the text bold or change its weight. document.getElementById(‘myElement’).style.fontWeight = ‘bold’;
style.textAlign Change the alignment of the text (like making it center, left, or right). document.getElementById(‘myElement’).style.textAlign = ‘center’;
style.padding Change the padding (space inside the element, around the content). document.getElementById(‘myElement’).style.padding = ’10px’;
style.margin Change the margin (space outside the element, around the edges). document.getElementById(‘myElement’).style.margin = ’10px’;
style.border Change the border of an element (like making it a solid line or dotted). document.getElementById(‘myElement’).style.border = ‘1px solid black’;

Naming Convention in CSS Properties in JavaScript

When we work with CSS in JavaScript, we need to use special rules for how we write the names of the properties. These rules are called naming conventions. Think of them like style rules for writing names in a way that everyone can understand!
There are 3 main ways we write CSS property names in JavaScript: Camel Case, Kebab Case, and Pascal Case. Let’s break them down:
1. Camel Case (The Most Common Way in JavaScript)
In Camel Case, we write the property name like a camel’s hump—the first word is all lowercase, and each new word starts with a capital letter. This is the most common way to write CSS properties in JavaScript!

• backgroundColor (not background-color)
• fontSize (not font-size)
• marginTop (not margin-top)

// Camel Case
element.style.backgroundColor = ‘red’; // This changes the background color of an element to red
element.style.fontSize = ’16px’; // This sets the font size of the element to 16px
element.style.marginTop = ’10px’; // This sets the space above the element to 10px

2. Kebab Case (Used in CSS, but not in JavaScript)
In the Kebab Case, words are separated by hyphens (like a hot dog bun, where each word is inside a bun). This is the way we usually write CSS properties in regular CSS files.
• background-color (not backgroundColor)
• font-size (not fontSize)
• margin-top (not marginTop)

// Kebab Case
.element {
background-color: red; /* Sets the background color to red */
font-size: 16px; /* Sets the font size to 16px */
margin-top: 10px; /* Sets the space above the element to 10px */

3. Pascal Case (Less Common for CSS Properties)
In Pascal Case, each word in the property name starts with a capital letter (just like Camel Case), but there’s no lowercase word at the beginning. Every word, including the first one, starts with a capital letter.
• BackgroundColor (not backgroundColor)
• FontSize (not fontSize)
• MarginTop (not marginTop)

// Pascal Case
element.style.BackgroundColor = ‘red’; // Not as common, but works
element.style.FontSize = ’16px’; // Not typically used
element.style.MarginTop = ’10px’; // Also not typically usedto 10px

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Examples for Practice

You have to solve all the questions given below in the editor without copy-pasting.

1. Create a Web Page in which we have to add a “div” Element of class “myDiv” and insert Text inside this Div Element.
Note:- Do it using DOM Elements.

The task is to create a web page where you use JavaScript and the Document Object Model (DOM) to add a <div> element with the class “myDiv” and insert text inside this <div>.
Use DOM to Create and Modify Elements:
– Inside the JavaScript code, use the DOM to create a new <div> element.
– Set the class attribute of the <div> to “myDiv”.
– Insert text content inside the <div>.

Here’s an example program:

// Create a new div element
var myDiv = document.createElement(“div”);

// Set the class attribute of the div to “myDiv”
myDiv.className = “myDiv”;

// Insert text content inside the div
myDiv.textContent = “Hello, I am inside myDiv!”;

// Append the div to the body of the HTML document


2. Create a Web Page in which we have to add an Element of class “myDiv” and insert Text inside this Element but take the Element name and Text node from User and also pass the Element name and Text node as a parameter to a Function.
Note:- Do it using DOM Elements

The task is to create a web page where you use JavaScript and the Document Object Model (DOM) to add an element with a specified class and insert text inside it. The element name and text content should be taken from the user, and a function should be used to achieve this.
Use DOM and Function:
– Inside the JavaScript code, create a function that takes parameters for the element name and text content.
– Use the DOM to create the specified element, set its class, and insert text content.
– Call the function with values taken from the user.

Here’s an example program:

// Function to create an element with class and text content
function createAndInsertElement(elementName, textContent) {
// Create a new element based on user input
var newElement = document.createElement(elementName);

// Set the class attribute of the element to “myDiv”
newElement.className = “myDiv”;

// Insert text content inside the element
newElement.textContent = textContent;

// Append the element to the body of the HTML document

// Get user input for element name and text content
var userElementName = prompt(“Enter the element name (e.g., div, p, h2):”);
var userTextContent = prompt(“Enter the text content:”);

// Call the function with user input as parameters
createAndInsertElement(userElementName, userTextContent);


3. Create a Web Page in which we have to add a “div” Element of class “myDiv” Insert text inside this Div Element and change the style of the div using DOM Element.

The task is to create a web page where you use JavaScript and the Document Object Model (DOM) to add a <div> element with the class “myDiv,” insert text inside it, and change the style of the <div>.
Use DOM to Create and Modify Elements:

– Inside the JavaScript code, create a new <div> element.
– Set the class attribute of the <div> to “myDiv.”
– Insert text content inside the <div>.
– Change the style of the <div> using the DOM.

Here’s an example program:

// Create a new div element
var myDiv = document.createElement(“div”);

// Set the class attribute of the div to “myDiv”
myDiv.className = “myDiv”;

// Insert text content inside the div
myDiv.textContent = “Hello, I am inside myDiv!”;

// Change the style of the div
myDiv.style.backgroundColor = “lightblue”;
myDiv.style.padding = “20px”;
myDiv.style.border = “2px solid navy”;
myDiv.style.color = “white”;

// Append the div to the body of the HTML document


4. Create a Web Page with two unordered list items and add the third one before the second item using Dom Element.
Before:-    Coffee           After:- Coffee
                 Tea                           Drink

The task is to create a web page with two unordered list items and then add a third item before the second one using JavaScript and the Document Object Model (DOM).
Use DOM to Create and Modify Elements: 

– Create a new <li> element and store it in the variable.
– Set the text content of the new list item to “Drink.”
– Get the reference to the existing second list item using its index within the <ul> with the ID “myList.”
– Insert the new list item before the second list item by using the insertBefore method. 

Here’s an example program:


<ul id=”myList”>

// Create a new list item for “Drink”
var newListItem = document.createElement(“li”);
newListItem.textContent = “Drink”;

// Get the reference to the existing second list item
var secondListItem = document.getElementById(“myList”).getElementsByTagName(“li”)[1];

// Insert the new list item before the second list item
secondListItem.parentNode.insertBefore(newListItem, secondListItem);



5. Modify an Existing Element’s Text Content

• Select an element by class name: Use document.querySelector() to find the element you want to modify.
• Change the text content: Using textContent, you can dynamically change the text of an element after the page has loaded.

Here’s an example program:

<div class=”myElement”>Old Text</div>              <!– Original text –>
const element = document.querySelector(‘.myElement’);              // Find the element with class “myElement”
element.textContent = ‘New text content!’;              // Modify the text content


Before Modifying:

After Modifying:

6. Create a New Element and Add It to the DOM

• Create a new element using JavaScript: You’ll learn how to dynamically generate an element (<p> in this case) using JavaScript.
• Add text inside the element: After creating the element, you can modify its content using the textContent property, allowing you to make it interactive.
• Insert the element into the DOM: After creating the element, you will need to add it to the document so that it appears on the webpage. You can do this by using appendChild().

Here’s an example program:

const newElement = document.createElement(‘p’);            // Create a new <p> element
newElement.textContent = ‘Hi, I am a paragraph text!’;            // Add text inside the <p> element
document.body.appendChild(newElement);            // Add the new <p> to the body of the page
