C# Collections



Container for Data:

Collections in C# are containers that allow you to store and manipulate groups of related data elements.

They provide a convenient way to work with multiple values of the same or different types.

// Example of an array, a simple collection

int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

Dynamic Size:

Collections often have dynamic sizes, allowing you to add or remove elements without specifying the size upfront.

// Example of a list, a dynamic collection

List<string> names = new List<string>();



Different Types of Collections:

C# provides a variety of collection types, including arrays, lists, dictionaries, queues, and more.

// Example of a dictionary, a key-value pair collection

Dictionary<string, int> ageMap = new Dictionary<string, int>();

ageMap[“Alice”] = 25;

ageMap[“Bob”] = 30;

Common Types of Collections


Arrays are fixed-size collections that can hold elements of the same type.

They are accessed by index.

int[] scores = { 90, 85, 92, 88, 95 };

int firstScore = scores[0]; // Accessing the first element


Lists are dynamic collections that can grow or shrink in size.

They are part of the System.Collections.Generic namespace.

List<string> fruits = new List<string>();




Dictionaries are key-value pair collections, allowing you to associate values with unique keys.

They are also part of the System.Collections.Generic namespace.

Dictionary<string, double> prices = new Dictionary<string, double>();

prices[“Apple”] = 1.99;

prices[“Banana”] = 0.99;

Iterating Through Collections:

Use loops to iterate through elements in a collection.

int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

foreach (int number in numbers)




Adding and Removing Elements:

Collections often provide methods to add, remove, or manipulate elements.

List<string> colors = new List<string>();




Accessing Dictionary Values:

Retrieve values from a dictionary using keys.

Dictionary<string, int> population = new Dictionary<string, int>();

int cityPopulation = population[“CityName”];

Choose the Right Collection Type:

Select the collection type that best fits your requirements (e.g., array for a fixed-size collection, list for a dynamic collection, dictionary for key-value pairs).

// Good: Using a list for a dynamic collection

List<int> dynamicNumbers = new List<int>();


// Avoid: Using an array when dynamic resizing is needed

int[] fixedNumbers = new int[10];

Use Generics for Type Safety:

Utilize generic collection types for type safety and better performance.

// Good: Using a generic list with specific types

List<string> names = new List<string>();


// Avoid: Using a non-generic list without type specification

ArrayList oldList = new ArrayList();

Practices Tasks

1. Create a list of string and add elements in it with name Alice, Bob and Charlie then use the foreach loop to show all values in console.

2. Create a dictionary with string keys Charlie, Bob and Alice and int values 35, 25 and 30, add element to the dictionary and show the value in console using keys.

3. Create a list of integers with the values 5, 2, 8, 1, 9 and then using sort method sort the value and using foreach loop show all values in console.