C# Params



params is a keyword in C# that allows a function to accept a variable number of parameters. This means you can pass any number of arguments of a specified type when calling the function.

Let’s explore a simple example:

using System;

class Program


    // Function using params to accept any number of integers

    static void DisplayNumbers(params int[] numbers)


        foreach (int num in numbers)


            Console.Write(num + ” “);




    static void Main()


        // Call the function with different numbers of arguments

        DisplayNumbers(1, 2, 3);

        DisplayNumbers(4, 5, 6, 7, 8);




In this example, the DisplayNumbers function uses params int[] numbers to accept any number of integers. The Main method then calls this function with various numbers of arguments.

The Flexibility of params

params allows you to create functions that adapt to different scenarios. You can pass a single value or an array of values without changing the function signature.

using System;

class Program


    // Function using params to accept integers and display their sum

    static void DisplaySum(params int[] numbers)


        int sum = 0;

        foreach (int num in numbers)


            sum += num;


        Console.WriteLine($”Sum: {sum}”);



    static void Main()


        // Call the function with different numbers of arguments

        DisplaySum(1, 2, 3);

        DisplaySum(4, 5, 6, 7, 8);




Here, the DisplaySum function uses params int[] numbers to accept any number of integers and calculates their sum.

Combining params with Regular Parameters

You can also combine params with regular parameters in a function. The params parameter must be the last one.

using System;

class Program


    // Function with a regular parameter and params parameter

    static void DisplayInfo(string name, params int[] scores)


        Console.WriteLine($”Name: {name}”);


        foreach (int score in scores)


            Console.Write(score + ” “);




    static void Main()


        // Call the function with a name and different numbers of scores

        DisplayInfo(“Alice”, 90, 85, 92);

        DisplayInfo(“Bob”, 78, 80);




In this example, the DisplayInfo function has a regular parameter name followed by params int[] scores. This allows you to provide a name along with any number of scores.