In C#, comments are non-executable statements used to make the code more understandable and maintainable. They are ignored by the compiler during code execution. Comments are a crucial part of writing clear and maintainable code, providing explanations and notes that help both the original developer and others who might work with the code later.
2 types of comments are there for example :
1. Single-line comments: These comments start with // and extend to the end of the line. They are useful for brief explanations or notes about specific lines or blocks of code.
2. Multi-line comments: These comments start with /* and end with */. They can span multiple lines and are useful for longer explanations or for commenting out large sections of code.
Example Single-line comment:
int Age = 15; // Assigning value 15 to variable Age
Example Multi-line comments:
int Age = 15; /* Assigning value 15 to variable Age
As this is a required condition */
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Comments in C# are lines of text within the code that are ignored by the compiler. They are used to explain code functionality or provide notes for developers.
C# supports three types of comments:
- Single-line comments: Use // to comment out a single line.
- Multi-line comments: Use /* */ to comment out multiple lines.
- XML documentation comments: Use /// to provide documentation for methods, classes, or other elements.
Single-line comments start with // and continue until the end of the line. For example:
// This is a single-line comment.
Use multi-line comments when you need to comment out a block of code or write detailed explanations spanning multiple lines. For example:
This is a multi-line comment.
It can span across multiple lines.
Useful for detailed explanations or documentation.
XML comments (///) provide structured documentation for code elements such as classes, methods, or properties. They can be used to generate API documentation or provide IntelliSense information in IDEs.
No, comments cannot be nested in C#. If you try to nest multi-line comments, the compiler will throw an error.
You can use multi-line comments (/* */) to temporarily disable or “comment out” a block of code during debugging or testing.
No, comments do not affect performance because they are ignored by the compiler and are not included in the executable code.
Comments improve code readability, help developers understand complex logic, and make maintaining or updating code easier for others (or yourself) in the future.
Comments help developers:
- Understand the purpose of the code quickly.
- Leave notes for other developers.
- Debug and test code easily by commenting out sections of code.
- Maintain code by providing explanations for future changes.
Yes, Iqra Academy offers free video tutorials in Hindi that cover C# comments, including both single-line and multi-line comments, and the shortcuts to use them effectively.
You can practice by writing code snippets and adding both single-line and multi-line comments. Try commenting out different sections of the code and see how it affects the output. Experiment with different comment styles and formats.