Managing Recruitment with Salesforce: SFDC Security Models Scenario
- IQRA Recruiting Agency is using Salesforce to manage their recruitment process. Recently, they created a special profile called “Recruiter” for their recruitment team.
- How does it facilitate tasks such as posting job openings, reviewing applicants, handling job applications, scheduling interviews, and managing job postings on external websites?
Solution 1 :-
- Create a Custom object name as
(Job opening, Applicant, Job Application, Interview, Job Posting, Employment Websites)
- Create a Profile as “Recruiter” ( Clone the Standard user and rename to “Recruiter”)
- Provided Object permission to below
1. Job opening – Create/Read/Edit
2. Applicant – Create/Read/Edit
3. Job Application- Create/Read/Edit
4. Interview- Create/Read/Edit
5. Job Posting- Create/Read/Edit/Delete/View & Modify All
5. Employment Websites- Create/Read/Edit/Delete/View & Modify All
Solution 2
Within IQRA Company, certain employees are not directly involved in recruitment tasks but may need access to view job openings for internal career development purposes. These employees should have limited access to job- related information to maintain confidentiality and prevent unnecessary distractions from their primary responsibilities.
- Create one Profile as “Standard Employees” and provide below access to the Objects.
- Job openings- Read access to the
- Applicant – No Access
- Job Application- No Access
- Interview- No Access
- Job Posting- No Access
- Employment Websites- No Access
Scenario 2
- IQRA TECH hiring managers are super important in finding the right people for the They handle everything from posting job openings to interviewing candidates.
- To help them do their job well, ABC Corporation created a special permission set in Salesforce called “Hiring ” This gives them the access they need to do tasks like creating job postings, reviewing applicants, scheduling interviews, and managing job postings on external websites, all within Salesforce. It’s like giving them the keys to the hiring process
- Create a Permission sets as “Hiring Manager” and provide below access to the Objects.
1. Job opening- Create/Read/Edit (Object Permission)
2. Applicant- Read (Object Permission).
3. Job Application- Read/Edit (Object Permission).
4. interview- Create/Read/Edit (Object Permission)
5. Job Posting- Create/Read/Edit (Object Permission)
6. Employment Websites- Read (Object Permission)
Note:- Assign that ‘Hiring Manager ‘ Permission set to the user.
Scenario 3
- How does the “Interviewer” setting in Salesforce benefit IQRA TECH hiring process for engineers? Specifically, how does it help interviewers manage interviews, review candidates, and share feedback effectively within the platform?
- The “Interviewer” permission set in Salesforce provides selected team members with the necessary access to conduct interviews and evaluate candidates effectively.
- Create a Permission sets as “Interviewer” and provide below access to the Objects.
1. Job openings- Read(Object Permission) & Read/Edit all the fields except Max Pay/Min pay
2. Applicant- Read (Object Permission), Read all
3. Job Application- Read (Object Permission)
4. Interview- Create/Read/Edit (Object Permission)
5. Job Posting- No Access
6. Employment Websites- No Access
Scenario 4
How does IQRA PVT Ltd. utilize Organization Wide Default (OWD) settings in Salesforce to regulate access levels for different objects in its recruitment process? Specifically, how do they ensure confidentiality for applicant and job application data while promoting transparency for job openings and employee websites within the organization?
- Organization Wide Default(OWD) to the below Object
- Applicant & Job Application- Private
- Employee Website & Job openings- Public Read Only
Scenario 5
How does IQRA PVT Ltd. use Salesforce sharing rules to enhance its recruitment process? Specifically, how does the “Edit Applicant” sharing rule ensure that recruitment managers have access to applicant records owned by internal users, and how does this facilitate collaboration and decision-making in the hiring process?
- Apply the Sharing Rule as
- Object-Applicant
- Rule Lebel-Edit Applicant
- Owned By-All Internal Users
- Public Group-Should be shared with recruitment
- Access Level- Read/Write.