Java Data Types

Data Types in Java

In Java, a data type specifies what kind of data a variable can hold. Data types are important because they define the size and layout of the variable’s memory, the range of values that can be stored, and the set of operations that can be applied to the variable.

1- Primitive Data Types: Built-in data types provided by the language.
2- Reference Data Types: Objects and arrays.

Basic Example of a variable with data type:

Commonly Used Data Types Example:
Data Type What It Holds Example Precision
int Whole numbers (no decimals) int weight1 = 55; // Valid: Assigning an integer value directly
int weight2 = 55.5; // Invalid: Attempting to assign a decimal value to an integer
N/A (Integer)
float It only gives output with 7-digit numbers with a decimal point or less than 7 if the number of digits is 7 it will round the last number otherwise not float Amount = 46.12345678910111213141516171819f;
the output will be – 46.12346
float Amount = 46.1234f; the output will be – 46.1234
7 digits
double It only gives output with 15-digit numbers with a decimal point or less than 15 double Amount = 46.12345678910111213141516171819;
the output will be – 46.1234567891011
double Amount = 46.1234567891; the output will be – 46.1234567891
15 digits
char A single character (like a letter) char grade1 = ‘A’; // Valid: Single character enclosed in single quotes
char grade2 = ‘A+’; // Invalid: Attempting to assign more than one character
1 character
string A sequence of characters (like words) string name1 = “Emily”; // Valid: String enclosed in double quotes
string name2 = Emily; // Invalid: Missing double quotes for string literal
N/A (Depends on string length)
bool True or false values. It cannot take any other value beside true or false bool isValid1 = true; // Valid: Assigned the Boolean value ‘true’
bool isValid2 = 23; // Invalid: Attempting to assign an integer value
1bit (True/False)


Write a Java program that declares the following variables with appropriate data types:

  • An integer variable age with the value 25.
  • A floating-point variable price with the value 12.75.
  • A double variable largeAmount with the value 123456789.1234567.
  • A character variable initial with the value ‘D’.
  • A string variable name with the value “John”.
  • A boolean variable isStudent with the value false.

Print each variable on a new line in the output as you can see in image.


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The course covers primitive data types (int, char, etc.) and non-primitive types (arrays, strings, objects).

Primitive types include byte, short, int, long, float, double, char, and boolean.

Non-primitive types include classes, arrays, interfaces, and strings.

Yes, the course highlights how primitive types store values directly, while reference types store object memory addresses.

Strings are non-primitive data types as they are objects of the String class.

Yes, practical examples for all data types are included in the training material.

Data types ensure proper memory allocation and influence how data is stored and processed.

Yes, the course covers arrays as non-primitive data types used for storing multiple values.

Yes, the training provides hands-on exercises to practice Java data types.

Yes, Iqra Technology offers its Java training pages, including data types, for free.