Python Inheritance
The benefits of inheritance are:
● It represents real-world relationships well.
● It provides the reusability of a code. We don’t have to write the same code again and again. Also, it allows us toadd more features to a class without modifying it.
● It is transitive in nature, which means that if class B inherits from another class A, then all the subclasses of B would automatically inherit from class A.
Types of Inheritance
# Base class
class Animal:
def __init__(self, name): = name
def speak(self):
return f”{} makes a sound.”
# Derived class
class Dog(Animal):
def speak(self):
return f”{} barks.”
# Creating an instance of the derived class
my_dog = Dog(“Tommy”)
Tommy barks.
class Animal:
This defines a class called Animal. It’s the base class (or parent class) from which other
classes will inherit.
def __init__(self, name): = name
This is the constructor method __init__. It’s automatically called when an instance of the
class is created.
The method takes one argument name, in addition to self, which refers to the instance of
the class.
The line = name assigns the value of the parameter name to the instance
attribute name. This means that each instance of Animal will have its own name
def speak(self):
return f”{} makes a sound.”
This defines a method called speak for the Animal class.
The method returns a string that includes the instance’s name ( and a generic message “makes a sound.”. This is a general method that could be used for any animal, but it’s not specific to any animal sound.
class Dog(Animal):
This defines a new class Dog, which inherits from the Animal class. This means Dog will have access to the methods and attributes of Animal.
def speak(self):
return f”{} barks.”
This method overrides the speak method from the base class Animal.
In this case, when the speak method is called on an instance of Dog, it will return a
message specific to a dog, using the dog’s name and the word “barks”.
my_dog = Dog(“Tommy”)
Here, we are creating an instance of the Dog class and passing the name “Tommy” to the constructor.
The __init__ method from the Animal class is called because Dog inherits from Animal. This means that “Tommy” is assigned to the name attribute of the my_dog instance.
The speak method is called on the my_dog instance. Since Dog overrides the speak method from Animal, the method from Dog is used.
● Multilevel Inheritance: Multi-level inheritance enables a derived class to inherit properties from an immediate parent class which in turn inherits properties from his parent class.
# Base class
class Animal:
def __init__(self, name): = name
def speak(self):
return f”{} makes a sound.”
# Derived class (inherits from Animal)
class Dog(Animal):
def speak(self):
return f”{} barks.”
# Further derived class (inherits from Dog)
class Puppy(Dog):
def play(self):
return f”{} is playing.”
# Creating an instance of the most derived class
my_puppy = Puppy(“Charlie”)
class Animal:
This line defines a base class named Animal. It serves as the foundation for other
classes to inherit from.
def __init__(self, name): = name
__init__ is the constructor method that initializes a new instance of the Animal class.
It takes name as an argument and assigns it to the instance variable, which will hold the name of the animal.
def speak(self):
return f”{} makes a sound.”
This method defines the behavior of the speak action for the Animal class. It returns a string indicating that the animal makes a sound, using the animal’s name stored in
class Dog(Animal):
This line defines a derived class named Dog that inherits from the Animal class. This
means that Dog will have all the properties and methods of Animal.
def speak(self):
return f”{} barks.”
The Dog class overrides the speak method inherited from Animal. Instead of saying the animal makes a sound, it specifies that a dog barks.
class Puppy(Dog):
This line defines another derived class named Puppy that inherits from the Dog class. Thus, Puppy inherits the properties and methods of both Dog and Animal.
def play(self):
return f”{} is playing.”
This method defines a new behavior specific to the Puppy class. It returns a string indicating that the puppy is playing, utilizing the name of the puppy stored in
my_puppy = Puppy(“Charlie”)
This line creates an instance of the Puppy class named my_puppy, with the name “Charlie”. The constructor of Puppy calls the constructor of Dog, which in turn calls the constructor of Animal. As a result, is set to “Charlie” for this instance.
When my_puppy.speak() is called, it prints “Charlie barks.”, demonstrating the behavior defined in the Dog class.
● Hierarchical Inheritance: Hierarchical-level inheritance enables more than one derived class to inherit properties from a parent class.
# Base class
class Animal:
def __init__(self, name): = name
def speak(self):
return f”{} makes a sound.”
# Derived class 1 (inherits from Animal)
class Dog(Animal):
def speak(self):
return f”{} barks.”
# Derived class 2 (inherits from Animal)
class Cat(Animal):
def speak(self):
return f”{} meows.”
# Creating instances of the derived classes
my_dog = Dog(“Buddy”)
my_cat = Cat(“Whiskers”)
class Animal:
This defines a class named Animal, which will act as the base class or parent class. Other classes will inherit from this class.
def __init__(self, name): = name
This is the constructor method __init__. It initializes the name attribute of the class when an object is created.
The self parameter represents the instance of the class, and name is the argument provided during instantiation. = name assigns the provided name value to the instance attribute name.
def speak(self):
return f”{} makes a sound.”
This method named speak is a general method for the Animal class. It returns a string indicating that the animal makes a generic sound.
The string uses f-string formatting to include the name attribute of the instance, which will be specific to the object created.
class Dog(Animal):
This defines a class Dog that inherits from the Animal class. Inheritance allows the Dog class to inherit the properties (attributes) and methods of Animal.
def speak(self):
return f”{} barks.”
This method overrides the speak method in the Animal class. Instead of the generic message from Animal, the Dog class provides its specific implementation, returning a string where the dog barks.
It still uses to include the name of the dog in the string.
class Cat(Animal):
This defines a class Cat that also inherits from the Animal class. Like Dog, it inherits the name attribute and methods from Animal.
def speak(self):
return f”{} meows.”
This method speak in the Cat class overrides the speak method from Animal. The method returns a specific message where the cat meows, using the name of the instance.
The is used to include the cat’s name in the output.
my_dog = Dog(“Buddy”)
An instance of the Dog class is created, and the name “Buddy” is passed as an argument to the constructor __init__.
The name attribute for my_dog is set to “Buddy”, and this instance will use the speak method from the Dog class, which returns a barking message.
my_cat = Cat(“Whiskers”)
Similarly, an instance of the Cat class is created with the name “Whiskers”.
This instance will use the speak method from the Cat class, which returns a meowing message.
Buddy barks.
Whiskers meows.
● Multiple Inheritance: Multiple-level inheritance enables one derived class to inherit properties from more than one base class.
# Base class 1
class Animal:
def __init__(self, name): = name
def speak(self):
return f”{} makes a sound.”
# Base class 2
class Vehicle:
def __init__(self, speed):
self.speed = speed
def drive(self):
return f”Driving at {self.speed} mph.”
# Derived class (inherits from both Animal and Vehicle)
class DogCar(Animal, Vehicle):
def __init__(self, name, speed):
Animal.__init__(self, name)
Vehicle.__init__(self, speed)
def show_ability(self):
return f”{} can drive at {self.speed} mph.”
# Creating an instance of the derived class
dog_car = DogCar(“Rover”, 30)
print(dog_car.speak())) # Output: Rover makes a sound.
print( ) # Output: Driving at 30 mph.
print(dog_car.show_ability()) # Output: Rover can drive at 30 mph.
class Animal:
This defines the first base class Animal.
def __init__(self, name): = name
The constructor __init__ is used to initialize a Vehicle object with a speed attribute. The speed represents how fast the vehicle can go.
def drive(self):
return f”Driving at {self.speed} mph.”
The drive method returns a message indicating the vehicle’s speed using the speed attribute.
class DogCar(Animal, Vehicle):
This defines a derived class DogCar that inherits from both Animal and Vehicle classes. This is an example of multiple inheritance.
def __init__(self, name, speed):
Animal.__init__(self, name)
Vehicle.__init__(self, speed)
The constructor __init__ of the DogCar class accepts two parameters: name and speed.
Inside this constructor, it explicitly calls the constructors of both parent classes (Animal and Vehicle) to initialize the respective attributes (name and speed).
Animal.__init__(self, name) initializes the name attribute.
Vehicle.__init__(self, speed) initializes the speed attribute.
def show_ability(self):
return f”{} can drive at {self.speed} mph.”
The show_ability method returns a message that combines the animal’s name and its ability to drive at a certain speed, using both the name and speed attributes inherited from the Animal and Vehicle classes.
dog_car = DogCar(“Rover”, 30)
This line creates an instance of the DogCar class called dog_car.
The parameters “Rover” and 30 are passed to the __init__ method, where:
name = “Rover” and initializes the name attribute using the Animal class constructor.
speed = 30 and initializes the speed attribute using the Vehicle class constructor.
print(dog_car.speak()) # Output: Rover makes a sound.
The speak method is called on the dog_car instance. Since DogCar inherits from Animal, it uses the speak method from the Animal class.
print( # Output: Driving at 30 mph.
The drive method is called on the dog_car instance. Since DogCar inherits from Vehicle, it uses the drive method from the Vehicle class.
print(dog_car.show_ability()) # Output: Rover can drive at 30 mph.
Course Video
Course Video English:
1. Single Inheritance:
Create a base class Vehicle with a method Start that prints “Vehicle started”. Derive a class Car from Vehicle and add a method Drive that prints “Car is driving”. Create an object of Car in the Main method, call the Start and Drive methods.
2. Hierarchical Inheritance:
Create a base class Person with a method Walk that prints “Person is walking”. Derive two classes Student and Teacher from Person. Add a method Study in Student that prints “Student is studying” and a method Teach in Teacher that prints “Teacher is teaching”. Create objects of Student and Teacher in the Main method and call their respective methods.
3. Multilevel Inheritance:
Create a base class ElectronicDevice with a method TurnOn that prints “Device turned on”. Derive a class Computer from ElectronicDevice and add a method Boot that prints “Computer is booting”. Further derive a class Laptop from Computer and add a method Charge that prints “Laptop is charging”. Create an object of Laptop in the Main method, call all methods.
Task Video
YouTube Reference :
It allows a class to inherit attributes and methods from another class.
In OOP, inheritance enables a class to derive properties and behaviors from another class.
Types include single, multiple, multilevel, hierarchical, and hybrid inheritance.
Achieved by passing a parent class to the child class.
Correct Syntax: class ChildClass(ParentClass):
class Dog(Animal): where Dog inherits Animal’s methods.
Use issubclass() or check __bases__.
Check Inherited Class: Use issubclass() to check.
Test Inequality: Use !=.
Non-supported Inheritance: Multiple inheritance with diamond problem isn’t directly supported.