Python Keywords

Python Keywords

Keywords are the reserved words in python programming dedicated for a certain type of task or action. A Keyword cannot be used as a variable or a constant.

Python Keywords:

Keyword Description Example
FALSE Represents the boolean value False. is_valid = False
None Represents a null or no value. result = None
TRUE Represents the boolean value True. is_valid = True
and Logical AND operator. Used to combine conditional statements. It checks two condition and if both conditions are true then it returns true if x > 5 and x < 10:
as Used to create an alias or short form for a module or exception to avoid repeatedly using the big name of a module. import math as m
break Exits the immediate enclosing loop. while True: break
class Keyword used to define a new class. class Dog:
continue Skips the ongoing iteration and starts the next iteration. for i in range(10): continue
def Keyword used to define a new function. def my_function():
elif Equivalent keyword for else if in C#. used in if else ladder if x > 5: elif x < 3:
else Defines the alternative branch in a conditional statement. if x > 5: else:
except Catches exceptions in a try block. try: except ValueError:
finally Executes code after a try block, regardless of exceptions. try: finally:
for Keyword used to define a for loop. for i in range(5):
from Used to import specific parts from a module. from math import sqrt
global Declares a global variable inside a function. global count
if Keyword used to define a (if) conditional statement. if x == 5:
import Imports a module. import os
in Checks if a value exists in a sequence. if x in list:
lambda Defines an anonymous function. lambda x: x + 2
not Logical NOT operator. Inverts a boolean value. if not x:
or Logical OR operator. Used to combine conditional statements. if x > 5 or x < 2:
pass A null statement; does nothing. def func(): pass
raise Raises an exception. Used in exception handling raise ValueError(“Error!”)
return Exits a function and optionally returns a value. return x
try Defines a block of code to be tested for exceptions. try:
while Keyword to define a while loop. while x < 5:

You cannot use any of the above keywords as a name of variable or a constant. This will raise an error if you do so.

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Use the keyword module in Python. For example, import keyword; print(keyword.kwlist) displays a list of all Python keywords.

No, type is not a keyword; it is a built-in function used to check the type of an object or create new types dynamically.

No, list is not a keyword. It is a built-in type used to create lists, such as my_list = [1, 2, 3].

Use the in keyword to check if a key exists in a dictionary, e.g., ‘key’ in my_dict.

Use len(keyword.kwlist) to get the total number of keywords in Python.

Python has 35 keywords (in Python 3.x), including if, else, def, and class.

Python is widely used by millions of developers worldwide due to its simplicity and versatility.

Java is generally faster than Python because it is a compiled language, whereas Python is interpreted.

Reserved words are Python keywords like if, for, class, and try, which have special meanings in the language syntax.

print is not a keyword but a built-in function used to display output in Python.