Page Layout, Record Type and Field Dependencies

Page layout, record type and field dependencies

Page layout :

– Page Layout provides a set of graphical user interfaces, which allows us to interact with the object. And we can perform all the DML manipulations ( Insert, Update, Delete, Undelete) And Retrieval on the object records.

– Salesforce provides a Page Layout for each object by default. But, we can Create one or more Page Layouts per object based on the need.

Note: Each PageLayout is associated with the Tab.

  • We can perform the below customizations inside the PageLayout
  1. We can add the required sections inside the page simply drag and drop

2. We can specify, how many columns we can arrange the fields inside the section, click on the spanner icon  (i.e. either in 1 or 2 columns).

1. We can move the fields from one section to another.

2. We can place the field in the required place.

3. We can configure the “Tab Key Order” for each section (i.e. from Top to Bottom / Left To Right).

4. We can hide the unnecessary fields from the Layout.

7. We can make the “Field Required / Read-Only “.

8. We can customize the Related List to be visible on the Layout.

9. We can customize the columns to be inside the Related List.

10. We can customize the buttons to be visible inside the Related List.



Click on the Arrow on the right side of the page then click Edit to modify the existing page layout.

Record Types:

– Using Record Types, we can provide different page layouts to different users with a different set of fields with different picklist values for different business purposes.

– An object can have one / more record types.

To create record types on a standard object

1. Click Your Name | Setup | Customize, then select an object. 

To create person account record types, click Your Name | Setup | Customize | Accounts | Person Accounts

To create campaign member record types, click Your Name | Setup | Customize | Campaigns | Campaign Members

2. Click Record Types

3. Click New. 

4. Choose Master from the Existing Record Type drop-down list to copy all available picklist values or choose an existing record type to clone its picklist values. 

5. Enter a Record Type Label that’s unique within the object. 

6. Enter a Record Type Name. This name can contain only underscores and alphanumeric characters and must be unique in your organization. It must begin with a letter, not include spaces, not end with an underscore, and not contain two consecutive underscores. The Record Type Name refers to the component when using the Web services API and prevents naming conflicts on package installation in managed packages. 

7. For opportunity, case, lead, and solution record types, select a business process to associate with the record type. 

8. Enter a description. 

9. Select Active to activate the record type. 

10. Select Enable for Profile next to a profile to make the record type available to users with that profile. Select the checkbox in the header row to enable it for all profiles. 

11. For enabled profiles, select Make Default to make it the default record type for users of that profile. Select the checkbox in the header row to make it the default for all profiles. 

12. Click Next

13. Choose a page layout option to determine what page layout displays for records with this record type:    

a- To apply a single page layout for all profiles, select Apply one layout to all profiles and choose the page layout from the drop-down list. 

b- To apply different page layouts based on user profiles, select Apply a different layout for each profile and choose a page layout for each profile. 

14. Click Save to edit the values of the standard and custom picklists available for the record type or click Save and New to create another record type.

Field Dependencies:

By using this feature, we can make a field to get Dependent on another field. The parent field is called the “Controlling Field”, and the Child field is called as the “Dependent field”.

  1. 1. We can’t make a Standard Field as a “Dependent” field in the Field Dependency. (i.e. Standard field should be always a Controlling Field).
  2.  The checkbox field should be always a “Controlling” field in the Field Dependency.
  3. The “Pick List- Multi Select” field should be always a “Dependent field” in the field Dependency.

Note: Field Dependency can be applicable on the field Types “Checkbox, Picklist and Pick List-Multi Select”.

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Practices Tasks

1. Create a new page layout for the student object.

2. Add/remove some fields from the layout and add 2 related lists.

3. Add fields to the related list section.

4. Create a record type called “new, Old”.

5. Assign different record type and page layout to different profiles.