BS Popover


Bootstrap’s Popover component extends the Tooltip plugin to provide a responsive, interactive, and rich content overlay. Popovers are used to display more complex information like HTML content, forms, or additional interactive elements, triggered by clicking or hovering over an element.

Implementing a Basic Popover

HTML Code for a Button with Popover:

<button type=”button” class=”btn btn-secondary” data-toggle=”popover” title=”Popover Title” data-content=”Some content inside the popover”>

  Click me for Popover





    $(‘[data-toggle=”popover”]’).popover(); // Initialize popovers




– The `data-toggle=”popover”` attribute is used to bind the popover to the button.

– `title` and `data-content` attributes hold the content that will be displayed in the popover.

– Popovers are initialized using jQuery: `$(‘[data-toggle=”popover”]’).popover()`.

Customizing Popovers

Example: Popover with HTML Content

<button type=”button” class=”btn btn-info” data-toggle=”popover” data-html=”true” title=”<strong>Bold Popover Title</strong>” data-content=”<em>Some emphasized content</em>”>

  Popover with HTML Content









– The `data-html=”true”` attribute allows HTML content inside the `title` and `data-content` attributes.

– This provides flexibility to include styled text, images, or other HTML elements in the popover.

Advanced Popover Options

Trigger Options

HTML Code for a Focus-Triggered Popover:

<a tabindex=”0″ class=”btn btn-lg btn-danger” role=”button” data-toggle=”popover” data-trigger=”focus” title=”Dismissible Popover” data-content=”Click anywhere to close this popover”>

  Click or Focus on Me









– The `data-trigger=”focus”` attribute triggers the popover when the element comes into focus and closes it when focus is lost.

– This is useful for elements like input fields or links where the popover should remain open during interaction.

Placement Variations

HTML Code for a Right-Placed Popover:

<button type=”button” class=”btn btn-warning” data-toggle=”popover” data-placement=”right” title=”Right Popover” data-content=”I’m placed to the right!”>

  Popover on the Right









– The `data-placement=”right”` attribute positions the popover to the right of the element. 

– Bootstrap also supports other placements like `left`, `top`, `bottom`.


– This navbar is created using the `.navbar` class, which is a responsive container for navigation items.

– The `.navbar-brand` class styles the brand name or logo.

– The `.navbar-toggler` is used for collapsing the navbar on smaller screens (responsive behavior). It targets the element with `id=”navbarNavDropdown”` for toggling.

– Inside the navbar, `.navbar-nav` organizes the navigation items.

– The `.nav-item` and `.nav-link` classes style individual navigation links.

– A dropdown menu is implemented with `.dropdown`, `.dropdown-toggle`, and `.dropdown-menu`. The dropdown toggle is linked to the dropdown menu using `data-toggle=”dropdown”`.

– The inclusion of jQuery, Popper.js, and Bootstrap’s JavaScript at the end of the body is necessary for enabling the responsive toggle and dropdown functionalities.

This example showcases a practical implementation of a responsive navbar that incorporates various Bootstrap nav classes, offering a mix of regular links and dropdown menus. Such a navbar is common in many web applications and websites, providing a clean and intuitive navigation experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have a question?

Let's talk

A Bootstrap popover is a small overlay that displays additional information or content when triggered, often used for tooltips or annotations.

Yes, this Bootstrap training is completely free. You can access all tutorials and learn Bootstrap at your own pace without any charges.

To make Bootstrap popovers responsive, ensure your design uses relative positioning and adjust with Bootstrap utility classes like .d-none and .d-block based on screen size.

Yes, we offer Bootstrap Popover tutorial in Hindi to help Hindi-speaking students understand the concepts easily. Whether you’re a beginner or intermediate, this course is tailored to your needs.

Yes, you can customize Bootstrap popovers using custom CSS or by overriding Bootstrap variables to match your design requirements.

Use the data-animation attribute or include classes like .fade to add smooth animations when a popover is shown or hidden.

Examples include:

  • Popovers on hover
  • Popovers with HTML content
  • Popovers with custom templates

Bootstrap popovers require JavaScript to function, but you can use inline data-toggle and data-content attributes for basic implementations.

Use the placement option or attribute (top, right, bottom, left) to position the popover relative to the target element.

By default, Bootstrap popovers are accessible but should be tested with ARIA attributes for improved screen reader compatibility.