CSS Combinators

CSS Combinators

CSS combinators are used to define the relationship between selectors. They allow you to target elements based on their relationship to other elements in the HTML structure. This makes your CSS more powerful and flexible.

There are four main types of CSS combinators:
1. Descendant Combinator ( )
2. Child Combinator (>)
3. Adjacent Sibling Combinator (+)
4. General Sibling Combinator (~)

1. Descendant Combinator ( )

Selects all elements that are descendants of a specified element. A descendant can be a direct child, grandchild, or any level deeper.

css-combinator-Descendant-Combinator ( )
In this example:

All <p> elements inside any <div> will have their text color set to blue.
All <span> elements inside any <div> will have their text color set to red.

2. Child Combinator (>)

Selects only the direct children of a specified element.


    /* Target only direct <p> children of <div> elements */
  div > p {
    color: green;
    /* Target only direct <span> children of <div> elements */
div > span {
    color: orange;
    <p>This paragraph is green.</p>
    <span>This span is orange.</span>
    <p>This nested paragraph is not green because it’s not a direct child.</p>

In this example:

The first <p> element (“This paragraph is green.”) and the <span> element (“This span is orange.”) are styled according to the rules, with green and orange text respectively.
The nested <p> element (“This nested paragraph is not green because it’s not a direct child.”) does not receive the green text color because it is not a direct child of the outer <div>.

3. Adjacent Sibling Combinator (+)

Selects an element that is immediately adjacent (next sibling) to a specified element.


    /* Target <p> that immediately follows an <h2> */
    h2 + p {
    color: purple;
    <h2>Header 2</h2>
    <p>This paragraph is purple because it directly follows an h2.</p>
    <p>This paragraph is not purple because it does not follow the h2 immediately.</p>

In this example:

The first <p> (“This paragraph is purple because it directly follows an <h2>.“) is directly after the <h2> and is styled with a purple color.
The second <p> (“This paragraph is not purple because it does not follow the <h2> immediately.”) is not styled with purple because it does not directly follow the <h2>.

4. General Sibling Combinator (~)

Selects all elements that are siblings of a specified element, not just the next one.


    /* Target all <p> elements that are siblings of <h3> and appear after it */
h3 ~ p {
    color: darkgreen;
    font-weight: bold;
    <p>This paragraph is not styled because it not follows a h3 element.</p>
    <p>This paragraph is also not styled for the same reason as above.</p>
    <h3>Section Header</h3>
    <p>This paragraph is styled because it follows the h3 element.</p>
    <p>This paragraph is also styled because it follows the h3 element.</p>

In this example:

The first two <p> elements are not styled because they appear before the <h3> element.
The last two <p> elements are styled with dark green text and bold font because they follow the <h3> element.

When to Use CSS Combinators

• Descendant Combinator: Use it when you want to target elements based on their nesting structure, regardless of depth.
• Child Combinator: Use it when you need to style only the direct children of a parent element.
• Adjacent Sibling Combinator: Use it when you want to style an element that directly follows another specific element.
• General Sibling Combinator: Use it when you want to style all siblings of a specified element, not just the immediate one.


CSS combinators are powerful tools that help you target elements more precisely based on their relationship in the HTML structure. Understanding how to use these combinators can greatly enhance your ability to create complex and specific styles for your web pages.

Course Video

Course Video In English

YouTube Reference :

Practice Scenarios

1. Descendant Combinator

Scenario: Style paragraphs inside a specific div.
Objective: Apply a specific style to all paragraphs (<p>) that are inside a div with the class container.


2. Child Combinator

Scenario: Style only direct children of a specific div.
Objective: Apply styles only to the immediate <p> children of a div with the class box.


3. Adjacent Sibling Combinator

Scenario: Style the element immediately following a specific heading.
Objective: Apply styles to the <p> element that immediately follows an <h2> element.


4. General Sibling Combinator

Scenario: Style all elements following a specific heading.
Objective: Apply styles to all <p> elements that follow an <h2> element, not just the first one.

Frequently Asked Questions

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This module explains CSS combinators, including descendant, child, adjacent sibling, and general sibling combinators. It teaches how to use them to style elements based on relationships in HTML structure.

Yes, it includes examples showing how to apply combinators for specific element selection. It illustrates their effects on targeting elements in the HTML hierarchy.

Yes, exercises focus on using combinators to style HTML elements. These help reinforce your understanding and provide practical experience.

Yes, the training is beginner-friendly with step-by-step explanations. It’s ideal for those new to CSS and web design.

Yes, it covers appropriate use cases for each combinator type. This enhances your ability to create precise CSS selectors.

Yes, it’s self-paced and accessible online. You can progress through the material at your convenience.

Yes, it explores combining combinators with other selectors for complex styling. This helps in crafting efficient and detailed rules.

It typically takes a few hours, depending on your learning pace. The training is concise and easy to follow.

Yes, this “CSS Combinators” training is entirely free on Iqra Technology Academy’s website.