CSS !important

CSS !important

The !important rule in CSS is a way to override any other styling rules for a particular property on an element, regardless of specificity. When you add !important to a style rule, that rule will always be applied, overriding any other rules that might have been applied to the same element.

How to Use !important

You use the !important rule by adding it at the end of the CSS property value, before the semicolon.

In this example:

• Rule with Normal Specificity (p { color: blue; }): This rule sets the color of all <p> elements to blue, but it will be overridden by more specific rules.
• Rule with Higher Specificity (.important-text { color: green; }): This rule sets the color of <p> elements with the class text to green. It has a higher specificity than the previous rule but will still be overridden by the !important declaration.
• Rule with !important Declaration (p { color: red !important; }): This rule sets the color of all <p> elements to red and uses !important to ensure it takes precedence over all other rules, regardless of their specificity.

When to Use !important

Using !important can be helpful in certain situations, such as:
1. Overriding Inline Styles: If you need to override styles applied directly within HTML elements using the style attribute.
2. Third-Party Libraries: When dealing with third-party CSS libraries that have high specificity and you need to override their styles.
3. Quick Fixes: For quick and temporary fixes during development or debugging.

Example of Overriding Inline Styles:


<p style=”color: red;”>This is a paragraph.</p>


p {
color: blue !important;

In this example:

The CSS rule p { color: blue !important; } sets the color of all <p> elements to blue and uses !important to ensure it takes precedence over other color styles.
The inline style style=”color: red;” tries to set the color of the paragraph to red. However, it will be overridden by the !important declaration in the CSS rule.

Example of Overriding Specific Selectors:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    /* Third-party library */
.button {
    background-color: green;
    color: white;

    /* Custom styles */
.button {
    background-color: blue !important; /* This will take precedence */
    <button class=”button”>Click Me</button>

In this example:

The third-party library sets the .button class with a green background and white text.
The Custom styles set the .button class with a blue background and use !important to ensure it takes precedence over the third-party library styles.

Advantages of Using !important

1. Higher Specificity: Forces the style to be applied regardless of other specificity rules.
2. Quick Overrides: Useful for quickly overriding styles during development or debugging.
3. Handling Third-Party Styles: Helps in overriding styles from third-party CSS libraries or frameworks.

Disadvantages of Using !important

1. Maintenance Issues: Overuse of !important can make your CSS harder to maintain and debug.
2. Priority Conflicts: Can lead to unexpected behavior when multiple !important rules are applied to the same element.
3. Specificity Confusion: Makes it difficult to understand the specificity hierarchy in your CSS.

Best Practices for Using !important

1. Use Sparingly: Avoid using !important unless absolutely necessary. Rely on proper specificity and cascading rules whenever possible.
2. Scoped Usage: Limit the use of !important to specific, controlled areas of your code to avoid widespread issues.
3. Document Usage: Clearly comment and document any use of !important to explain why it was necessary.

Course Video

Course Video English

YouTube Reference

Practice Scenarios

Scenario 1: Basic Use of !important

Objective: Apply a style using !important to override other styles.
Expected Output: The text color of the paragraph should be red, overriding any other conflicting styles.



<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Basic !important Example</title>
    <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”styles.css”>
    <p class=”text”>This text should be red.</p>

CSS Code (styles.css):

/* Normal style */
.text {
    color: blue; /* This will be overridden */

/* !important style */
.text {
    color: red !important; /* This will take precedence */


Scenario 2: Overriding Inline Styles

Objective: Use !important to override inline styles.
Expected Output: The text color of the paragraph should be green, even though an inline style sets it to blue.


Scenario 3: Specificity and !important

Objective: Use !important to override styles with higher specificity.
Expected Output: The text color of the paragraph should be orange, even though there are more specific styles applied.

Frequently Asked Questions

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This module provides a comprehensive guide to the CSS !important declaration, explaining its purpose, how it alters the normal cascading and specificity rules in CSS, and when its use is appropriate.

Yes, it includes practical examples demonstrating how to apply the !important declaration to override existing styles, illustrating scenarios where it can be effectively utilized.

Yes, exercises involve applying the !important declaration in various contexts, helping to reinforce the concepts learned and providing hands-on experience in managing CSS specificity.

Yes, it’s designed for beginners with clear explanations and step-by-step examples, making it accessible to those new to CSS and web design.

Yes, it covers potential issues such as maintenance challenges and specificity conflicts that can arise from overusing !important, emphasizing best practices for its application.

Yes, the training is self-paced and accessible online anytime, allowing learners to progress through the material at their convenience.

Yes, it discusses strategies like increasing selector specificity and restructuring CSS to achieve desired styling without relying on !important.

It typically takes a few hours to complete, depending on your learning pace and familiarity with CSS concepts.

Yes, this “CSS !important” training is completely free on Iqra Technology Academy’s website.